Academic Action Plan
学术行动计划是针对面临学术挑战的学生的个性化路线图. 它包括自我评估、目标设定和改进策略. Students work with advisors to identify resources, set achievable goals, and regularly monitor progress. 该计划旨在提高学生的学习成绩,支持学生在学业上取得成功.

Articulation Request Form
如果学生以前的学校的课程没有出现在JSU课程等效性指南中, 并认为这可能对他们的专业学位或课程要求有所帮助, then they should submit a course articulation request.

Change of Major
目前在读的学生可以通过填写此表格来更改专业. 将表格提交给指定的指导老师,以处理和讨论课程更改. 当表单成功提交时,您将收到一封确认电子邮件, and another email when the major change has been completed.

Course Withdrawal Form
在加/退期结束后,希望退出课程的学生应填写课程退出表格,通知大学您将不再参加该课程. 该课程将保留在成绩单上,并以“W”代替成绩. 退课不会对GPA产生负面影响,但可能会影响坚持和经济资助.

Double Major Request
Students may wish to earn two majors within the same degree. All requirements for the degree and both majors must be completed. 双学位的学生不需要完成辅修课程,但可以选择这样做. 在填写此表格并取得所有签名之前,请与您的指导老师讨论.

Music Registration Ticket
Registration of music courses can be a complex process. 学生必须参加并通过分班考试,并根据批准注册课程. 此表格应与您的教师导师一起填写,并在您的指导课程中与指定的指导老师讨论.

Plan of Study
Students can use the Plan of Study to plan out their time at JSU. By using resources such as the Academic Bulletin and DegreeWorks, students can plan each individual Fall, Spring and Summer semester course load.

Course Request Form
Academic scheduling is a complex process involving many details. 学生与学术顾问一起决定课程选择的最终决定. 这包括回答问题,包括将提供哪些课程, in how many sections, and at what options are available.

Transient Request Form
学生们只要完成了州的学业,就可以选修各州的课程, institution, and program requirements. Students who are enrolled in one state college or university, 但在另一所州立学院或大学修读课程的人被称为临时学生.

Undergraduate Student Course Override Request Form 
In certain circumstances, students may request permission from academic advisors, faculty advisors, department chairs, associate deans, 和/或教师在没有完成或正在进行指定先决条件的情况下注册课程. For students to request an override, they must submit the request form. 



Office of the Registrar

Withdrawal Form

What is an Official University Withdrawal?
当注册学生(研究生或本科生)决定他们必须在指定的学期内离开大学,在最后一天增加/放弃一门课程,并且学生至少参加了一门课程时,就会发生正式退学. 正式退学日期定义为学生提交正式退学申请之日.

学生每门课程的成绩为“W”,“W”不计入GPA. 退学可能会影响住房、毕业、经济援助和学杂费.

How to Initiate Your Official Withdrawal Request?
To begin the withdrawal process, 学生需要联系大学学术指导中心的指导老师, complete the electronic withdrawal survey and withdrawal request form. 退学后,必须停止参加所有课程和/或学术活动. The withdrawal process will be completed within 1-3 business days.

所有学生将负责与课程相关的学杂费以及与就读大学有关的费用. 注意:请查看校历了解大学的正式日期.

Official Withdrawal Checklist
使用以下列表作为指导,帮助指导您完成退出过程. Note, not all items may apply to your situation. 
1. Before you initiate an official withdrawal, speak with your advisor.  Your advisor can help determine what options are available to you. 学校希望学生每学期保持连续入学.

2. Check on your financial aid status.  退出大学可能会影响未来的经济援助资格和学生贷款偿还. 联邦法规和大学政策可能要求你偿还你收到的部分资金. 你的经济援助将根据你的提款日期按比例分配,记入你学生账户的资金将进行调整. 这种调整可能会在你的学生账户上产生一个未偿还的余额,你将被要求支付. 我们强烈建议您在退出之前调查这些因素.

3. Pay any remaining charges on your student account.  您将无法在未来重新注册进入大学或要求正式成绩单, if any unpaid, past-due charges remain on your account (tuition, 费用, 等.). 如果你的账户过期了,它可能会被转到讨债公司.

4. If applicable, check your housing status. 与住房部门联系,以确定取消住房时是否会有财务影响.

5. 如果适用的话,通知大学退伍军人服务中心你的退出计划. If you received benefits as a US veteran, service member, or family member of a US veteran, 你必须通知大学退伍军人服务中心你的休假或退学.

6. 如果适用,通知体育部你的退出计划.  任何运动员都应该联系你的临时或永久离开大学的体育部门.

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